What Damages can be Recovered in a Georgia Birth Injury Lawsuit?

Bringing a new life into the world is a joyous occasion, but when the birth of a child is marred by injury due to medical negligence, it can be devastating for both the child and the family. If you or your loved one has experienced a birth injury in Georgia, it is essential to understand your rights and the potential damages that can be recovered through a birth injury lawsuit. This article aims to shed light on the types of damages available and the requirements you should be aware of when pursuing legal action in Georgia.

Types of Damages:What Damages can be Recovered in a Georgia Birth Injury Lawsuit?

Medical Expenses:

Birth injuries often result in the need for extensive medical care and treatments. In a birth injury lawsuit, you can seek compensation for current and future medical expenses, including hospital bills, surgeries, medications, therapy, assistive devices, and any other related costs.

Pain and Suffering:

Birth injuries can cause significant physical and emotional pain and suffering to the child and their family. Compensation for pain and suffering is designed to address the mental anguish, emotional distress, and loss of enjoyment of life experienced due to the birth injury.

Rehabilitation and Therapy:

Many birth injuries require ongoing rehabilitation and therapy to help the child reach their full potential. Damages can be sought to cover the costs of physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, and other rehabilitative services necessary for the child’s development and recovery.

Lost Wages and Future Earning Capacity:

If a birth injury leads to permanent disability or impairment, the child may face limitations that affect their ability to pursue certain occupations in the future. In such cases, compensation can be sought for the loss of future earning capacity. Additionally, if the parents had to take time off work to care for the injured child, they may be eligible to seek reimbursement for lost wages.

Special Education and Accommodations:

Children with birth injuries often require specialized education and accommodations to meet their unique needs. Damages can be recovered to cover the costs associated with special education programs, tutors, adaptive equipment, and any other necessary accommodations.

Emotional Distress:

The emotional toll of a birth injury can be overwhelming. Parents may experience severe emotional distress, anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Compensation can be sought for these emotional damages, including the need for therapy or counseling services.

Requirements in Georgia:

Statute of Limitations:

In Georgia, birth injury lawsuits must be filed within a specific time frame known as the statute of limitations. It is crucial to consult with an experienced birth injury attorney as soon as possible to ensure your case is filed within the required time limits.


To pursue a birth injury lawsuit, you must prove that the medical professionals involved in your child’s birth acted negligently. This requires demonstrating that they breached the standard of care expected of them and that this breach directly caused the birth injury.

Expert Testimony:

In Georgia, expert testimony is often required to establish the standard of care and demonstrate how the defendant’s actions deviated from that standard. Expert witnesses, such as medical professionals, can provide critical opinions and evidence to support your case.

Comparative Negligence:

Georgia follows a modified comparative negligence system, which means that if the plaintiff is found partially responsible for the birth injury, their compensation may be reduced accordingly. It is important to consult with a knowledgeable attorney to navigate this aspect of the legal process effectively.

Rehabilitation and Therapy:

Birth injuries often require ongoing rehabilitation and therapy to help the child reach their full potential. These therapies can include physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, and other specialized treatments. The costs associated with these therapies can be significant, but through a birth injury lawsuit, you may be able to recover damages to cover these expenses. It is important to gather documentation and evidence of the medical treatments and therapies your child has undergone or will require in the future.

Educational Support and Accommodations:

Children with birth injuries may require special educational support and accommodations to ensure they receive an appropriate education that meets their unique needs. This can include individualized education programs (IEPs), special education services, tutors, assistive technology, and other necessary accommodations. By pursuing a birth injury lawsuit, you may be able to recover damages to cover the costs of these educational supports and ensure your child receives the quality education they deserve.

Emotional Distress and Mental Health:

Birth injuries not only impact the physical well-being of the child but can also result in emotional distress for both the child and their family. Parents may experience anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as a result of the trauma surrounding the birth injury. Damages can be sought to address the emotional pain and suffering endured by the family. These damages may cover the costs of therapy, counseling, and other mental health services that are necessary for the emotional recovery of both the child and the family.

Proving Damages in a Birth Injury Lawsuit:

To successfully recover damages in a birth injury lawsuit, it is crucial to establish that the birth injury was the result of medical negligence. This requires proving that the medical professionals involved in the delivery of the child breached the standard of care expected of them and that this breach directly caused the birth injury. Expert testimony from medical professionals is often necessary to demonstrate the deviation from the standard of care and establish a causal link between the negligence and the birth injury.

Consult with an Experienced Birth Injury Attorney:

Navigating a birth injury lawsuit can be complex and challenging. It is essential to consult with an experienced birth injury attorney who specializes in handling these types of cases. A skilled attorney will have the knowledge, resources, and expertise to evaluate the merits of your case, gather evidence, work with medical experts, and advocate for your rights.

Additionally, a birth injury attorney can guide you through the legal process, help you understand your rights and options, and ensure that all necessary deadlines and requirements are met.

If your child has suffered a birth injury in Georgia, it is crucial to consult with an experienced birth injury attorney who understands the complexities of these cases. At Keenan Law Firm, we specialize in birth injury lawsuits and have a proven track record of achieving favorable outcomes for our clients.

Our compassionate and skilled legal team will work tirelessly to ensure your rights are protected and that you receive the compensation you deserve. Contact Keenan Law Firm today for a free consultation and let us help you seek justice for your child’s birth injury.

Remember, time is of the essence, so don’t delay in pursuing your legal rights. Reach out to Keenan Law Firm now and take the first step towards securing the compensation you and your family need to move forward.

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