Atlanta Injury Lawyers / Atlanta Products Liability Lawyers

Atlanta Products Liability Lawyers

Serving All of Georgia

Accidents involving the use of a product which result in injury or death are included in an area of law called “products liability.” People are hurt every day at home, outside the home, and at work while using everything from common household items to highly complicated industrial machinery and chemicals.

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Atlanta Products Liability Lawyers

Serving All of Georgia

Accidents involving the use of a product which result in injury or death are included in an area of law called “products liability.” People are hurt every day at home, outside the home, and at work while using everything from common household items to highly complicated industrial machinery and chemicals.

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Atlanta Products Liability Lawyers

Serving All of Georgia

Accidents involving the use of a product which result in injury or death are included in an area of law called “products liability.” People are hurt every day at home, outside the home, and at work while using everything from common household items to highly complicated industrial machinery and chemicals.

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Matthew Powell Testimonial Keenan Law Firm
“Without a doubt Don Keenan is the greatest trial lawyer ever! His service to the community to help keep us all safe. He obtains justice to stop careless corporations and people who take shortcuts and put us all at risk because it is just easier and cheaper for them to violate the rights of the public.”

Matthew Powell

“I have known Don Keenan for over 5 years. He is one of the finest attorneys in this country. More importantly he is a giver of the highest calibre. He gives his time, talent and treasure to his clients, to his fellow lawyers and to his community, enriching us all and creating a safer world for us to live in.”

Katherine Rinaldo

“Don is an amazing person, and one of the best lawyers on the planet. Highly recommended.”

Don Truskett

“Don is a professional mentor and educator of lawyers. He is also one of the best trial lawyers in the United States. But what really sets him apart is his compassion for his clients, and his dedication to helping injured children in particular. I highly recommend this attorney for any severe injury case.”

Michael Strong

What is Product Liability?

Accidents involving the use of a product that result in injury or death are included in an area of law called “products liability.” People are hurt every day at home, outside the home, and at work while using everything from common household items to highly complicated industrial machinery and chemicals. The Keenan Law Firm has extensive experience in products liability lawsuits. Our Atlanta products liability lawyers have pioneered legal arguments in the area of air bag injuries, for one. Other products liability case experience at our firm includes but is not limited to injuries involving: forklifts, garbage trucks, lighters, stairways, ramps, pesticides, toxic substances, deer hunting stands, household appliances, lawn mowers, weed cutters, beverage bottles, electrical connections, and space heaters. The Keenan Firm’s Atlanta products liability lawyers are experienced and innovative. Most products liability lawsuits require the use of highly credentialed experts. The Keenan Law Firm maintains relationships with many types of experts and has retained such diverse experts as former NASA space engineers, the developer of the lap safety belt, the owner of the lunar moon buggy patent, hot air balloon designers, and former officials of government safety departments. The firm goes to great lengths to retain the very best and most suited experts for each individual products liability case.

How a Claim is Valued?

Our Atlanta product liability lawyers will fight for your rights for full compensation in these two categories: economic damages and non-economic damages. Economic damages would be the medical bills and the lost wages if you missed time from work or had to use up all your sick time and then some. It also includes prescription costs and therapy, if there was any. Essentially, an economic damage would be something that made someone lose money out of their own pocket. Non-economic damages apply mostly to how this affected your life. If you used to be free of anxieties and enjoyed life normally but now after this product liability incident you suffer anxiety or depression and have trouble living life like you used to, those are examples of non-economic damages.

Call Our Atlanta Product Liability Lawyers Today

If you have a client whose been injured by a product that was faulty, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our Atlanta product liability lawyers as soon as you possibly can. Our lawyers will fight for your clients rights to full and fair compensation for the damages that the company who put out this faulty product is responsible for. Call us today to set up your first free consultation.