On 3 October 2001, Keenan’s Kids Foundation launched the Keenan’s Kids Law Center – the first ever children’s rights law center started by a private foundation.
PURPOSE: The Keenan’s Kids Law Center has as its core mission prosecuting lawsuits on behalf of Georgia’s abused, neglected and at risk children – children who are neglected by the institutions and governmental agencies that are supposed to protect them. Each and every case prosecuted by the law center will be done pro-bono – at no cost to the clients whatsoever. The lawsuits chosen by the center will have a central goal – that is to bring about major systemic changes in the way children are treated by government and institutions. TIME Magazine listed Georgia as one of the three worst states in dealing with children under protective custody, the cover story was titled: “The Shame of Foster Care”. 60 Minutes II, in a story detailing the death of a child in protective custody, titled its newscast: “Georgia, A State of Neglect”. For nearly 25 years, the child protective system has deteriorated into a state of almost meltdown. The State has consistently shown a lack of leadership and all legislative reforms have failed. When the State fails its children, they must be held accountable in the Courts of Law. For more information and detail on the projects, activities and successes of the Law Center, please see